Big Disobedience


nspired by Henry David Thoreau’s essay “Civil Disobedience” (1849), Wurm’s Big Disobedience, (2016) makes reference to an often explored theme: political and social correctness. Related in its use of the human form and apparel, Half Big Suit (2016) stems from an earlier series, Cut, that investigates the fragmented body. Fixed in an awkward position, with one leg extended in the air, the static sculpture conveys a sense of distress experienced while undergoing a durational performance or holding a lengthy pose. In their focus on the body and its motions, these works relate to Wurm’s famous One Minute Sculptures series (XXXX), in which viewers enact simple yet absurd poses for one minute at a time.

The relationship between the organic transformation of the body through biological factors and the intentional moulding of objects in Wurm’s work is illustrated in his architectural structure, Flat Iron (2016). Here the artist’s distorted recreation of New York’s iconic Flatiron Building is demonstrated in a melting structure, demonstrating further how the manipulation of volume, scale, form and materiality, can signal transformation in both human and non-human form.

Inspired by Wurm’s performative practice, the Gallery invited Mike Bourscheid, an artist who works between Luxembourg and Vancouver, to develop a series of performative interventions at Offsite: Erwin Wurm.

WESTBANK成⽴于1992年,是北美地区的领先房地产开发商,在温哥华、卡尔加⾥和多伦多、⻄雅图、上海、 北京、台湾、东京、⾹港和深圳均设有办事处,Westbank的建成和在建项⽬合计⾦额现已超过了500亿加币。Westbank对建筑艺术有着独特的定义,艺术是我们打造建筑的灵感媒介。Westbank始终秉承着⼀信念,即“⼀切形式和定义的美学与⽂化对于⼈类存在都⾄关重要”。在对美和⽂化创造的不懈追求中,Westbank已经不再单纯是⼀家房地产开发商,⽽进化成了⼀家⽂化企业。



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WESTBANK Projects Corp.
All rights reserved.
